Saturday - Monday, February 15-17th

Super Saturday

WOD: 23 minutes of

1 Rope Climb

3 Squat Clean 185/125#

6 Burpee Box Overs 24/20”

9 Calorie Row



Sunday Funday @ 7 am

Open Gym @ 8 am



Warmup: 3 Rounds of

10 med ball cleans

10 ball slams

10 pushups

10 med ball situps


Strength: OTM X 12 minutes

3 Snatches


WOD: OTM x 24 minutes

Minute 1 - 5 Plate burpees to overhead

Minute 2 - 5 burpee pullups

Minute 3 - 5 burpee plate jumps (lateral)

Joe Kusnitz