Thursday, February 13th

Warmup: 12 minutes of

5 Heaving Snatch Balance

7 Floor Presses

9 Ring Rows

12 Box Jumps


Team Thursday - Teams of 3 Athletes 30 Minute AMRAP

300 DB Snatch 55/35#

200 Calorie Bike

100 Burpees

with time remaining…

Complete as many rounds of “Cindy”as possible

5 Pullups

10 Pushups

15 Air Squats

**Can Break up the movement however you want

**ONLY 1 athlete in motion at a time

**must complete Snatch, Bike and Burpees before you start Cindy

***Score = Rounds of Cindy completed



Run 1x800, 1x1 mile, 1x2 miles

Joe Kusnitz