Wednesday, November 25th

Urgent Message: A member of your community has tested positive for COVID-19. Anyone who was at the gym Sunday, November 15th or Monday, November 16th in the evening was potentially exposed. If you are not feeling well or having any symptoms - Please do not come to the gym. Stay home and consult your primary care provider. Those who were in close contact have been notified individually. Additionally, the gym has been thoroughly cleaned in response to this information. Thank you so much for your trust and support!

Thanksgiving Week!

Regular Schedule Monday - Wednesday then again for Saturday and Sunday

Thursday ~ Thanksgiving Day —> ONE Class @ 9 am - Everyone Welcome!

Friday ~ Black Friday —> ONE Class @ 9 am - Everyone Welcome!


Athlete Warmup: Row, Run or Bike —> get the blood flowing


Midline Work: 2 Rounds of

Lateral Bar set on a rack Step Overs x 12

OLY Bar Roll outs x 10


Practice: Ring Muscle Ups


Strength: Deadlift 5x3


WOD: “Fight Gone Bad”

3 Rounds of

1 minute max rep wall balls 20/14#

1 minute max rep Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75/55#

1 minute max rep box jumps 20/16”

1 minute max rep Push Press 75/55#

1 minute max calorie row

1 minute rest

Joe Kusnitz