Tuesday, June 18th
Warmup: 3 Rounds
10 calorie row
10 single arm kb press
10 single arm kb row
10 goblet squats
Super Set x 3 Rounds ~ Not for Time
A - Shoulder Press x 8
B - Dumbell Curls x 10
WOD: “Filthy Fifty”
50 Box Jumps 24/20”
50 Jumping Pullups
50 KBS 35/25#
50 Walking Lunges
50 Knees to Elbows
50 Shoulder to Overhead 45/35#
50 Back Extentions
50 Wall Balls 20/14#
50 Burpees
50 Double Unders
Endurance: Meet at ECC @ 530 am ~ this one is going to be a bit longer!
Filthier Fifty = “Filthy Fifty” + 400 meter run after each movement