Tuesday, March 5th

Elm City CrossFit  is hosting a State of the Union Address to discuss our current state of affairs, challenges and possible changes to cope with the evolving fitness climate ~ All Elm City Members are required to attend:  Monday March 11th @ 5:30 pm. The 530 class/WOD will be pushed to 600 pm


How do you approach a challenge? What are you telling yourself? Are you choosing thoughts that unnerve you or that SERVE you?

Warmup: 10 minutes of

4 plank to prayer

8 ring rows

16 kbs

8 cal row


Strength: 5 minutes of

Shoulder Press x 3

*Athlete dictates rest


WOD: For time

100 situps then,

5 Rounds for time

10 Shoulder to Overhead 135/85#

12 Pullups


Endurance: Meet at ECC @ 6 am


Calorie Row

10 - meter sprints

Calorie Assault bike

Joe KusnitzComment