Tuesday, February 26th

For over a decade our message is same!

Warmup: 10 minutes of

1 burpee box overs

2 jumping lunges

3 double unders

4 situps

5 cal row


Buy-in: 50 Double unders for time


Strength: 4x Complex ~ Self regulated rest

1 Shoulder Press + 2 Push Press + 4 Push Jerks


WOD: 20 Minute AMRAP

Max Rep Shoulder to Over-Head 135/95# ~ Taken from the floor

**Each time bar hits the floor - run around the building

***Score = total number of reps OH


Endurance: Meet at ECC @ 6 am

3 Round for Time

10 Burpee over box

20 Jumping Lunges

30 Double Uners

40 Situps

50 Calories on Bike

Joe KusnitzComment