Tuesday, November 26th
Holiday Schedule:
Wednesday - Regular Schedule
Thursday - Thanksgiving Day ~ ONLY 1 Class Workout @ 9 am
Friday - Black Friday ~ ONLY 1 Class Workout @ 9 am
Saturday - Regular Schedule
Warmup: 3 Rounds of
50 Single Unders
15 Single Legged Deadlift with KB
15 Single Armed press with KB (switch arms)
10 Alternating hang cleans with KB
Buy-in: 20 Pullups ~ pick the most challenging kind
WOD: For Time
1200 meter row
21 KBS 70/55#
21 Burpee Box Overs 24/20”
600 meter row
15 KBS
15 Burpee Box Overs
300 meter row
9 Burpee Box Overs
Endurance: “Michael”
3 Rounds for Time
800 meter run
50 Back Extensions
50 GHD Situps