Saturday - Monday, November 23rd - 25th
Super Saturday
WOD: 20 minutes of
3 minutes to establish 1 rep max weight Hang Snatch then,
3 Rounds of
30 Alternating DB Snatch 55/35#
20 Pullups
10 Ring Dips
—> with time remaining to the 20 minute mark perform
1 Snatch + 1 Burpee
2 Snatches + 2 Burpees
Continue adding 1 rep until time is called
Sunday Funday @ 7 am
Open Gym @ 8 am
Warmup: 3 Rounds of
10 med ball cleans
10 ball slams
10 pushups
10 med ball situps
Buy-in: Back Extension 4x12
1 minute max rep thrusters 95/65#
WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP
15 cal row
5 Deadlifts 185/135#
(add 5 reps to the deadlift each round//Keep the Calories on the rower the same at 15)