Saturday - Monday, September 8th - 10th


Warmup: Coaches Choice


WOD: 30 Minute AMRAP

"Badger" - 3 Rounds 

30 Squat Clean 95/65#

30 Pullups

800 meter Run

with time remaining --> perform... AMRAP of

10 Power Snatches 95/65#

20 Double Unders 



Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill

*7 am Sunday Funday - Everyone Welcome



Warmup: 12 minutes

10 banded pull aparts

10 banded monster walks

10 banded deadlift

10 - 10 meter run


Buy-in: OLY bar Good Mornings 3x10


WOD: On the 2 minute

5 Rounds of

Speed Back Squats x 10 @ 30% BW 

rest 3 minutes

1 minute max rep wall balls 20/16

rest 3 minutes

On the 2 minute

5 Rounds of

Speed Deadlift x 10 @ 50% BW

rest 1 minute

1 minute max rep wall balls



Joe KusnitzComment