Thursday, July 19th

Not sure which is more awesome: arm-in-arm team sit-ups... or the fact that Monday's 5:30 class was full of bad-ass women.

Warmup: 3 Rounds of

10 second HS Hold

20 Skiers

30 Over-head Walking Lung Steps

40 Single Under Jump Ropes


WOD: Teams of 2 or 3 ~ for Time

100 Cal Row

100 Ab Mat Situps

100 Wall Balls 20/14#

100 Shoulder to Over-Head 75/55#

100 Wall Balls 

100 Ab Mat Situps

100 Cal Row


Sellout: 20 Snatches 165/95#


Endurance: Meet at YMCA @ 6 am 

Team Swim 


Joe KusnitzComment