Saturday - Monday, June 9th - 11th


Warmup: Coaches Choice


WOD: With a running clock

2K Row

rest 2 minutes

"Grace" - 30 Clean & Jerks for Time 135/95#

rest 2 minutes

"Fran" - 21*15*9 of Thruster 95/65# & Pullups

rest 2 minutes

2K Row 



Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill

Sunday Funday ~ 7 am - Everyone welcome, even non members



Warmup: 10 minutes of

10 medball cleans

10 kbs

10 kb lunges

10 calorie row


Week 5 of 6 for Super Sets!!!

Super Set x 4 ~ Not for time

A - Front Squat x 10

B - Romanian Deadlift x 8

C - Backwards or Side Step-ups x 8


WOD: 10 minute AMRAP

10 Wall balls 20/14#

5 Toes to Bar  

Joe KusnitzComment