Tuesday, June 5th

Cintia pushing through a set of thrusters.  Glad you're a part of our community--keep up the solid work!

Warmup: 12 minutes of

30 meter farmers carry

2 minutes of squat therapy

30 second L-Sit holds

12 reverse hypers


Super Set x 3 ~ Not for Time

A - OHS x 6

B - Single Arm Over head KB Reverse Lunge x 6 (on each leg)


WOD: "Nancy"

5 Rounds for Time

400 meter run

15 OHS 95/65#


Endurance: Meet at ECC @ 6 am

1 mile run then,

15! of


Ab Mat situps

with 100 meter row between each round

***Start Planning now for Thursday's Endurance! Elm City Duathlon

Meets at ECC @ 530 am ~ bike to YMCA ~ swim then bike back

Dust off that bike now!


Joe KusnitzComment