Tuesday, June 19th

Warmup: 10 minutes of

1 dumpster dash

2 forward rolls

3 wall walks

4 box jumps


Super Set x 3 ~ Not for Time

A - Shoulder Press x 8

B - Single KB row x 10


"Filthy Fifty"

For Time

50 box jumps 24/20"

50 Jumping Pullups

50 KBS 35/25#

50 Lunges

50 Knees to Elbows

50 Shoulder to Overhead 45/33#

50 Back Extensions

50 Wall balls 20/14#

50 Burpees 

50 Double Unders


Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am

Filthy filthy fifty! Do Filthy Fifty with 200 meter run after each movement


Joe KusnitzComment