Saturday - Monday, Sept 2-4th
Warmup: Coaches Choice
Congrats Coach Greg Nice as today he ties the knot! Would have been nice to be invited buddy....
WOD: 10 minute AMRAP
1 Rope Climb
2 Squat Cleans 185/105#
3 Dips
2 Rope Climbs
4 Squat Cleans
6 Dips
3 Rope Climbs
6 Cleans
8 Dips.... Until time is called
Rest 10 Minutes
7 minute AMRAP
1 Hang Snatch 115/75#
1 Burpee
2 Hang Snatches
2 burpee
3 Hang Snatches
3 Burpees... Until time is called
Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill
*Sunday Funday @ 7 am ~ Everyone is invited
Happy Labor Day! Only 1 class at 900 am - Holiday community Workout
Good luck to those who will be running in the New Haven Road Race!