Thursday, August 31st

Warmup: 4 Rounds of

10 goblet squats

10 kettlebell deadlifts

10 Single arm over-head walking lunges


WOD: Fight Gone Bad ~ Partner Style

Teams of 2 or 3 ~ only 1 athlete in motion at a time

6 Rounds of:

1 minute max rep wall balls 20/14#

1 minute max rep SDLHP 75/55#

1 minute max rep box jumps 20/16#

1 minute max rep Shoulder to Overhead 75/55#

1 minute max calories on rower 

1 minute rest 


Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am

50-40-30-20-10 of

Calories on AirDyne

Ab Mat Situps

400 meter run

Joe Kusnitz1 Comment