Saturday - Monday, June 17th - 19th

Coach Greg in full effect


Warmup: Coaches Choice


For Time:

1 mile run

50 pullups

800 meter run

50 kbs 55/35#

400 meter run

50 burpees

rest 10 minutes

10 minute AMRAP

3 HSPU's

3 Ring Muscle Ups



Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill

*7 am Sunday Funday Crew tackles some great conditioning ~ anyone welcome to join us



Warmup: 4 Rounds of

dumpster dash

8 box step ups

8 ghd situps

8 ring pushups


Strength: Snatch 30x1 (all reps must be done as singles)


WOD: 12 minutes AMRAP

7 Power Snatches 95/75#

20 Double Unders

Joe KusnitzComment