Saturday - Monday, February 11-13th


Wamup: Coaches Choice!


WOD: For Time

1000 meter row

30 Snatches 95/65#

2000 meter row

30 Power Cleans 95/65#

Rest 10 minutes

30 Burpee Muscle-ups for time



Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill

*7am Sunday Funday ~ Everyone is welcome even nonmembers!



Warmup: 5 Rounds of

5 Ring rows

10 dumbell bench or floor presses

15 air Squats


Buy-in: 30 Hand release pushups ~ not for time


Strength: 15 minutes to establish a heavy thruster


WOD: "Jackie" 

1000 meter row

50 Thruster 45/33#

30 Pullups


Sellout: Muscle up practice

Joe KusnitzComment