Tuesday, January 3rd

Warmup: 4 Rounds of

2 minutes on rower

2 minutes of Squat Therapy

30 seconds L-Sits

30 seconds Hand Stand Hold


Buy-in: 90 seconds max rep pullups


Strength: Shoulder Press 5x3 ~ Increasing Loads


WOD: For time

1000 meter row

50 wall balls 20/14#

40 KBS 55/35#

30 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75#

20 box jumps 24/20#

10 HSPU's


Sellout: 9-6-3

Thrusters 155/95#

Bar Muscle Ups


Endurance: meet at YMCA Pool @ 6 am

100 meter warmup

4x50 Single Arm Reach Drill

4x50 Finger tip Drill

4x50 Free Tempo

4x100 Free Tempo

Joe KusnitzComment