Saturday - Monday, April 16h - 18th
Warmup: Coaches Choice
WOD: For Time
30 Deadlifts 95/65#
1 mile run
30 Snatches 95/65#
1 Mile Row
Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill
Warmup: 10 minutes of
15 meter bear crawl
15 reverse hypers
15 ab mat situps
15 jumping jacks
Mobility Monday: 10-15 minutes working on calf and ankle mobility and stretching
Buy-in: 3 minutes max rep burpees
Strength: OHS 6x3
7 Minute AMRAP:
7 OHS 95/65#
7 Box Jumps 24/20"
Sellout: 100 situps ~ not for time (athlete choses difficulty)