Thursday, January 7th
The sky is the limit at Elm City CrossFit
Warmup: 12 minutes of
50' banded monster walk
8 seated dumbell presses
8 bent over rows
8 ghd situps
Buy-in: Kettlebell Thrusters 4x8
Strength: Front Squat 5x5 ~ Increasing Loads
WOD: 3 Rounds for Time
5 Front Squats 155/95#
10 Chest to Bar Pullups
15 Ring Dips
400 meter Run
Sellout: OTMX16 Minutes
ODD - 3 Power Sntaches 155/95#
Even - 30 Double Unders
Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am
Run: 4x200, 4x400, 4x800, 2x1 mile, 2x800, 2x400, 2x200
*Rest = Work or 1:1 Work to Rest