Thursday, July 9th - Sunday, July 12th


Warmup: 4 Rounds of

200 meter row

10 rope slams

10 goblet squats


3 Rounds for time:

15 Snatches 75/55#

15 Box Jumps 24/20"

rest 10 mins

OTMx 8 Mins of

3 Shoulder Presses @ 65% of BW


Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am ~ Coach Kimmie

5x bike 2 miles - run around the building

* 3 Minutes rest between each round



Warmup: 3 Rounds

5 pullups

10 pushups

15 air squats


21-15-9 of:

Floor Presses 155/95#

Ab Mat Situps

Deadlift 155/95#


10x prowler push ~ increasing loads

*Rest As Needed


Saturday - Super Saturday WOD time @ 900 ~ with regular schedule

Warmup: 10 mins of

10' Handstand walk

100 meter row

10 box jumps

100 meter run


For time:

5 Power Cleans 185/115#

100 DU's

20 Wall Balls 20/14#

10 Cleans

50 DU's

30 Wall Balls

15 Cleans

25 DU's

40 Wall Balls



Amnesty - pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill
