Monday, July 6th - Wednesday, July 8th
Warmup: 10 minutes of
8 wall balls
3 wall walks
1 dumpster dash
12! of
Plate burpees 45/25#
2x Double Unders
with 1 dumpster dash after each round
Warmup: 3 Rounds of
10 Ring pushups
10 GHD Situps
10 KBS
For Time:
20 HSPU's then,
20-15-10-5 of
Front Squat 135/95#
Power Clean 135/95#
10 HSPU's
Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am ~ Coach Joe
4, 5 or 6 x 800 meter run (Rest = Work)
Warmup: 10!
KB Snatch
Reverse Hypers
Bent over Rows
For Time:
800 meter run
40 KBS 70/55#
40 Pullups
800 meter run