Monday, May 11th - Wednesday, May 13th
Happy birthday to the First Lady of ECC - The Brains beind it all!
Warmup: 10 mins of
10 ring push ups
10 OH bar lunges
2 laps around the gym
3 Rounds for time
30 Cal Row
20 Box Jumps 24/20"
30 Wall Balls
Warmup: 4 rounds of
10 Squat theropy
10 Quadapets
10 KBS
For Time:
100 Double Unders then,
4 Rounds of
5 Muscle Ups
10 Front Squats 155/105#
15 HSPU's
20 Burpees
Endurance: meet at ECC with Coach Joe @ 6 am
24! Down by 3's of:
KBS 55/35#
Ab Mat Situps
Warmup: 8 Rounds
20 Second bar hangs
6 OLY bar thrusters
12 Reverse Hypers
3 Rounds for time
800 meter run
21 power cleans 155/105#