Thursday, May 14h - Sunday, May 17th


Warmup: 5 Rounds

10 shoulder pass throughs

10 GHD Situps

10 ring pushups

10 10-meter sprints


Bench 5x5 @ 75% with max rep dead hang CHIN ups after each set


4x15 reverse hypers


3x30 ab mat situps


3x20 GHD hip ext


3x10 strict T2B or T2Wall


Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am

10 burpees into 100 meter sprint x 10



Warmup: 10 mins of

5 box overs

5 burpees

5 pullups

5 DU's


For Time:

Run 1 mile

21 med ball cleans 20/14#

21 Pushups

800 meter run

15 med ball cleans

15 pushups

400 meter run

9 med ball cleans

9 pushups


Saturday - Open House Boot Camp Kickoff Class @ 10 am - Food and Fun to Follow!

Warmup: 4 Rounds

2 laps around room

3 rolls

4 wall walks

5 bent over rows with OLY bar


3 Rounds for time:

10 Power Cleans 185/135#

20 C2B Pullups

30 DU's

rest 10 minutes ~ after the last athlete is done

10 min AMRAP:

1 Hang Snatch 115/55#

1 Burpee

2 Hang Sntach

2 Burpee.... Until time is up



Amnesty - pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill
