Thursday, May 7th - Sunday, May 10th


Warmup: 4 rounds

10 box dips

20 jumping jacks

30 ab mat situps


"Alley Cat" - Named for our beloved member Allison who will be leaving us for a year to enlist in the Army! We will miss you girl and we wish you a safe return home.

Teams of 2 athletes - 15 min AMRAP

1 cal row

1 burpee over rower

switch partners

2 cal row

2 burpee over rower

switch partners

3 cal row.... Until the 15 minutes is up

*the working athlete must complete the entire round before switching


Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am with Coach Kimmie

Cycling - out and back on the rail trail ~ First ride of the season!



Warmup: 15 mins of

20 single jump ropes

15 pushups

10 weighted supermans



3x1 min on 1 min off

T2B ~ max reps or T2Wall


Power Clean: 10!

*each set should be touch and go for that round

*Athlete should increase load each set



Warmup: 4 Rounds

10 burpees

15 Russian twists

20 Mt climbers


3 rounds for time:

30 air squats

5 bar muscle ups

10 hang power cleans 135/95#

rest 10 mins then,


Deadlift 225/135#

Box Jumps 24/20"



Amnesty - pick a workout that you may have missed during the week or work on a skill

Strenght recomendations for the week:

OHS 3x1

Snatch Balance 3x1

Hang Squat Sntach 3x1
