Saturday, December 19th - Monday, December 21st
Holiday Schedule:
Monday - Wednesday Regular Schedule
Thursday 12/24 - 530/630 am 430/530 pm - Open GYM
Friday 12/25 - 900 am Holiday Workout
Saturday - back to regular schedule
Warmup: Coaches Choice!
WOD: We normally do a hero workout but this week - I designed a workout for a very special athlete to honor her birthday! I will keep her identity a secret but we can most likely figure out her age.
5 Rounds for Time
11 Front Squats 115/75#
11 Chest to bar Pullups
11 Snatches 115/75#
11 Burpees
11 Calorie Row
Amnesty - pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill
Warmup: 3 Rounds of
10 hollow body to superman
10 wall balls
10 back extensions
2 rolls
Buy-in: 3x12 Ring Pushups
Strength: Front Squat 6! with 8 Russian Twists after each set
3 minute AMRAP
1 KBS 70/55#
1 Pullup
2 KBS, 2 Pullups.... until time
Rest 2 minutes
2 minutes max rep burpees
Rest 2 minutes
1 minute max rep DU's