Happy Thanksgiving!

In this time of year where we stop and give thanks to what we are thankful for, I too have many reasons to be thankful. I am thankful for our wonderful community. I am thankful for my beautiful and supportive family and friends. I am thank that my wife, in particularly, who lets me follow my passion and supports me each and every day!

But I am also thankful for the little things; on in particular my close friend, training partner and athlete – Deb. This is not only the perfect opportunity to extend my personal thanks but also a sincere thank you and well wishes from our community on her upcoming Ironman.

Deb has worked her ass off for this event and is completely poised and focused to accomplish this amazing task. Even though we inevitably focus on the race itself, I would like to congratulate her on her amazing journey. The sacrifices she has made are a testament to her drive and motivation both of which will certainly carry her all the way to the finish line.

Rest assured that this race will be hard but knowing you have an amazing community cheering you on and the knowledge that we will be with you every step of the way will make the finish line that much more complete. Thank you for your hard work and congratulation in advance for representing Elm City CrossFit with style, effort, conviction and spirit. 

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