Monday, June 9th- Wednesday, June 11th-
Monday, June 9th
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4 x 12 push ups
(A) 1 minute max rep wallballs @ 20/14#
1 minute rest
(B) 1 minute max rep box jumps @ 24/20"
1 minute rest
(C) 1 minute max rep kettlebell swings @ 55/35#
5 minute rest then:
30 pull ups in 2 minutes
5 minute rest then:
7 minute AMRAP of:
1/3 x A
1/3 x B
1/3 x C
**ex. For Part A you had 30 wallballs. Therefore you do 10 wallballs for the AMRAP
Tuesday, June 10th
Overhead Squat: 8 x 3 @ 60-70%
with 10 x Banded Pull Aparts after each set
7 rounds for time:
7 Front Squats @ 155/95#
10 Ring Dips
* 20 Double Unders between each set
Box Jumps 24/20"
@ Hamden High Track @ 6 am
5xOT2M at each station:
60 meter sprint
12 burpees
2 bleechers
Wednesday, June 11th
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8 Rope Climbs (not for time)
2000 meter row
30 shoulder to overhead @ 135/95#
20 toes to bar
10 handstand push ups
800 meter run