Thursday, June 12th- Friday, June 13th-
Thursday, June 12th
Team Thursday:
Team Fran
7 Minute AMRAP of 21-15-9 until time expires
Thrusters @ 95/65#
Pull ups
* only 1 athlete in motion at a time.
(Example: 21-15-9-21-15-9-21-13...)
5 Minute Rest, Then:
1 mile team run (as a class)
6 am @ ECC
1, 2 or 3 x 2 mile repeats
*Rest is 5 minutes between each loop.
5:30 pm @ Sleeping Giant
Hiking/Trail Running
Friday, June 13th
Buy In
10 Prowler Pushes, not for time!
3 x max rep Shoulder Press @ 1/2 body weight
7 minute AMRAP
3 Deadlifts @ 275/185#
6 Toes To Bar
9 Lateral Bar Jumps