Tuesday, Nov. 4th - Thursday, Nov. 6th
Preview: 1 min max rep T2B or K2E
Buy-in: 6x5 dips - ring, bench, box or banded
Front Squat: 3 Rounds of the following:
3 front squats + 10 lateral plate jumps+2 FS +10 LPJ+1 FS+10 LPJ
(increase load at each round- not each set)
KBS 70/55#
Cashout: OTMx8 - 3 Power Snatches (moderate)
Endurance: @ ECC at 6 am
1x(50 burpees + run around building)
2x(40 ab mats + run)
3x(30 pushups + run)
4x(20 kbs 55/35# + run)
Preview: 30 C2b or Pullups
Buy-in: 4x12 Back Ext
"Elizabeth" 21-15-9 of:
Squat Clean 135/95#
Ring Dips
Cashout: OTMx8 - 3 Back Squats from the floor @ BW
Preview: 35 Wall balls for time
buy-in: 6x10 second hand stand holds
Teams of 3 complete the following relay -
20 Min AMRAP:
9 cal. row
9 box jump and overs 20"
9 Thrusters 95/65#
(partner 1 completes a round then partner 2 goes....)
Cashout: OTMx8 of 3-5 HSPU's