Friday, Nov. 7th - Monday, Nov. 10th


Preview: 150 Double Unders for time


Buy-in: 3x12 Ring rows or Deficit Ring rows


For Time:


Floor Presses 1/2 BW

Dead lift 1/2 BW

Rope Climbs




Preview: 7 min AMRAP - 150 Meter Row + 10 Burpees


Buy-in 4x20 Ab Mat Situps


For Time:

800 meter Run

10 Thrusters 75/55#

400 meter run

20 Thrusters

200 meter run

30 Thrusters


Cashout: OTMx10 - 2 Power Cleans @ BW



Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill



Preview: 40 wall balls for time


Buy-in: 4x12 Hip Extentions or weighted hip extentions


Shoulder Press: 3-3-2-2-1-1-1


6x1  min on: 1 min off of:

Lateral box jumps up and over 20/16"


Cashout: 100 OH Walking Lunges - not for time (self regulated weight and rest)
