Monday, January 27th - Wednesday, January 29th-

Monday, January 27th


Split jerk

6 x 3 @ 65-75% of 1 rep max, from the floor 


"1/2 Cindy"

10 minutes of:

5 Pull ups

10 Push ups

15 Squats



Tuesday, January 28th


Death by burpee and power clean 95/65#

* Rest 2 minutes between each rounds x 2


Endurance: 6am / 6 pm @ ECC

20 min amrap of:

7 Ball over bar

7 Tire mountain


Wednesday, January 29th



5 rounds for time of:

20 Pull ups

30 Push ups

40 Sit ups

50 Squats

*3 min. rest between each round


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