Thursday, January 16th - Friday, January 17th-
Thursday, January 16th
6 x 3 snatch grip deadlift, moderate
6 x 30 wall balls with 1 min. rest between
Endurance: 6am / 6pm @ ECC
We will jog as a group to the Old ECC Box (the start) we will then run:
2 x 400, 1 x 800, 1 x 1200, 1 x 800, 2 x 400 or
2 x 400, 1 x 800, 2 x 1200, 1 x 800, 2 x 400
Rest to work is half the time it takes you to run
(ex. it takes 1 min. to run, rest would be 30 sec.)
Friday, January 17th-
7 min. amrap:
150 meter row
10 burpees
4 x 100 meter farmers carry, max weight