Thursday May 23rd - Sunday May 26th
Shoulder Press 3x3
Push Press 3x2
Jerk 3x1 - work up to Max load
Sellout: Open Floor - work on a skill for the remainder of the class
Endurance: Meet at the Box @ 6 am
Hill Repeats - 4, 5 or 6 x Morse Hill
Buy in: Prowler Push Walk (down & back) - Max load x 4
On the Minute x 15 mins of:
1 Power Clean 75-85% of 1 RM
Max Rep Double Unders until 20 second mark - then rest the remaining 40 seconds
10 Rope Climbs
20 Back Squats 225/155
30 HSPU's
40 Cal Row
Amnesty - make up a workout you may have missed or work on a skill
*****Remember - Only 1 WOD on Monday = Murph at 9 am******