Thursday April 18th- Sunday April 21st

20 minutes of gymnastics work

On the minute for 15 minutes: 2 snatches @ 75% of your 1 rep max.

Sell out: 2 minutes of max rep burpees
Endurance- 6 am @ Eli Whitney Museum, 915 Whitney Ave., Hamden
-We will jog approximately 1 mile to the base of Canner Hill. We will do 6, 8 or 10 hill repeats. Canner is a little over 1/4 of a mile hill. On the odd intervals we will walk/jog recover on the way down and on even intervals, sprint down and recover for 3 minutes.
5 rounds (not for time)
body weight bench press, max reps
pullups, max reps
wallball 20/14
box jump 24/20
kbs 55/35
amnesty- Pick a wod from the week that you have not previously done or work on a skill
