Saturday, October 5th - Monday, October 7th

Saturday, October 5th


20 Minutes, As Many Rounds As Possible

5 Power Cleans @ 145#/105#

10 Toes to Bar

15 Wall Balls @ 20#/16#


Sunday, October 6th


Pick a workout you missed from during the week.


Monday, October 7th


3 x 10 Overhead Walking Lunges with an Olympic Bar @ 45#/33#

Grip position should be consistent with Overhead Squat


5 Rounds for Time

20 Kettlebell Swings @ 55#/35#

20 Burpees

20 Pullups

******Attention: There will not be a mobility class Monday at 6 pm - Chrystal is on vacation. She did leave the mobility WOD program - which can be picked up in the office. ******

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