Thursday, October 3rd - Friday, October 4th
Thursday, October 3rd
"Fight Gone Bad"
3 Rounds, Max Reps
1 Minute @ each station
Wall Ball @ 20#/14#
Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 75#/55#
Box Jumps @ 20"/16"
Push Press @ 75#/55#
Row for calories
Endurance: 6am / 6pm @ Eli Whitney Museum
We will jog approximately 1/4 mile to Odgen Street.
4, 5 or 6 Hill repeats
Odd intervals recover with a walk or slow jog back down
Even intervals sprint down, then recover at the bottom for 3 minutes
[Ogden Street Hill is approximately 600 meters]
Friday, October 4th
Jerk [Push, Power or Split]
3 @ 65% of One rep max
2 @ 75% of ORM
3 x 1 @ 90% of ORM
Death by Pushups and Situps
Every minute, the reps increase by one [ie. Minute 1, complete 1 Pushup and 1 Situp, Minute 2 complete 2 Pushups and 2 Situps, etc.]
Your workout is complete when you hit failure and fail to complete the allotted reps in a given round.