Monday, September 17th - Wednesday, September 19th

Monday, September 17th

5 x 7 Front Squats @ 75% one rep max

After each set:

1 Minute Rest

3 Power Cleans @ 75% Bodyweight

Athletes will complete a set of Front Squats, then rest 1 minute, then complete 3 power cleans.  Subsequent to this cycle, athletes will rest 3 minutes, then start the next cycle back at Front Squats.


Tuesday, September 18th


Shoulder Press [no rack] [95# / 65#]


Athletes will complete 25 Presses, 25 Pullups, 20 Presses, 20 Pullups, etc.


3 Rounds of (Rest as Needed Between Rounds)

7! Air Squats & Double Unders

200 Meter Run...

Example: 7 squats, 7 DU, 200 Meter Run... 6 squats, 6 DU, 200 Meter Run...


Wednesday, September 19th

4 x 12 Back Squats @ 70% one rep max

After each set:

1 Minute Rest

4 x 100 Meter Sprints

Athletes will complete a set of Back Squats, then rest 1 minute as you walk out to the rail trail.  After that minute rest, athletes will complete 4 x 100 meter sprints.  The recovery between sprints will be a 100 meter walk [jog] back to starting line.  Subsequent to this cycle, athletes will rest 3 minutes, then start the next cycle back at Back Squats.

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