Thursday, September 13th - Sunday, September 16th
The remainder of this weeks workouts come with a shoutout and programming message from Mr. Lindsley.
"Hello from Kuwait or Bahrain or parts unknown. As the warmer weather shifts to the holiday chill, we will be working towards new PR's to close out 2012 and ring in the new year. We will begin with 1 rep max pre-tests and end with post-tests in 12-16 weeks. Remember, this is a 12-16 week build-up. That means steady improvement over time, not over night."
With that in mind, we started the week with Bench, Back Squat and Shoulder Press maxes. We will work these and other lifts in occassionaly as we go. In all things, always take into account the work you performed leading up to these max effort days. Monday was wallball hell. Even with that, Tuesday saw a number of new PR's, which is awesome. To those of you that did...congrats, now your 85% lift days just got heavier :) For those that did not, never be discouraged if you just don't have it on a given day. The great news is, there is always a next time. Keep that in mind to get motivated for that next big lift day.
Thursday, September 13th
5x3 Overhead Squat at 85% one rep max
Each set to be followed by:
10 Ring Rows
10 Ring Dips [You can all thank me during class. This was supposed to be more manmakers, but after last weeks manmaker madness, I switched it up :)]
Athletes will transition directly from OHS to the ring work, but will rest as needed between sets.
THURSDAY ENDURANCE - @ Eli Whitney Museum - 2 x 1.5 miles with 5 minutes rest inbetween
We will jog as a group to the base of Prospect and Mill Rock [the start]. We will then run to the Yale Whale [Corner of Prospect and Sachem] which is approximately 1.5 miles. 5 mintues rest then run back.
Friday, September 14th
3 Rounds of 3 Minutes Work : 2 Minutes Rest
3 Power Snatch [115# / 75#]
3 Deadhang Pullups
Bear Crawl Loop
Saturday, September 15th
Complete the following as fast as you can!
6 Deadlifts @ 85% of one rep max
12 Kettlebell Swings [70# / 55#]
5 Deadlifts @ 85% of one rep max
12 Kettlebell Swings [70# / 55#]
4 Deadlifts @ 85% of one rep max
12 Kettlebell Swings [70# / 55#]
3 Deadlifts @ 85% of one rep max
12 Kettlebell Swings [70# / 55#]
2 Deadlifts @ 85% of one rep max
12 Kettlebell Swings [70# / 55#]
1 Deadlifts @ 85% of one rep max
12 Kettlebell Swings [70# / 55#]
Sunday, September 16th
Amnesty - Pick a workout you missed from the previous week [no repeats]