Monday, August 20th - Wednesday, August 22nd
Monday, August 20th
10 Rounds
Round starts every 2 minutes
5 Hang Power Cleans @ 75% Bodyweight
Crack Dash
Each round will begin every 2 minutes. Athletes will have 2 minutes to complete the work outlined above, with rest time amounting to the remainder of the 2 minutes subsequent to the completion of the work.
Tuesday, August 21st
3 Rounds for Time
400 meter run
1 Rope Climb
2 minutes after completion [start time will vary by athlete]:
Thrusters [95#/65#]
Overhead Squats [95#/65#]
Athletes will complete the first portion of the workout [3 RFT], then rest for 2 minutes, then proceed to the second workout. Second workout is completed by performing 9 reps of each movement, then 6 reps of each movement, then 3 reps of each movement.
18 minutes AMRAP
25 Double Unders or 50 single unders
400 meter run or 500 meter row
Wednesday, August 22nd
30 Minutes, As Many Rounds As Possible [AMRAP]
250 Meter Row or 200 Meter Run
25 Situps