Thursday, August 16th - Sunday, August 19th

Thursday, August 16th

2 Rounds of the following AMRAP, with a 2 minute recovery between each:

3 Minutes As Many Rounds As Possible [AMRAP]

5 Front Squats @ 75% Bodyweight

4 Jerks @ 75% Bodyweight

3 Thrusters @ 75% Bodyweight

2 Snatches @ 75% Bodyweight

1 Overhead Squat @ 75% Bodyweight

Athletes will complete as many rounds of the movements above in 3 minutes.  This will be followed by 2 minutes of rest.  Athletes will then begin another 3 minute AMRAP, starting where they left off on the previous cycle.  Score is total rounds completed through the total 6 minutes of work.

THURSDAY ENDURANCE @ ECC - 2, 3 or 4 X 1.5 Mile Repeats - Rest 3 mins between each round (athletes will start at the box and run to the end of Leeder Hill at the traffic light and run back)


Friday, August 17th

1 Round for Time

800 Meter Run

50 Pushups

5 Box Jumps [30"/24"]

40 Pushups

4 Box Jumps [30"/24"]

30 Pushups

3 Box Jumps [30"/24"]

20 Pushups

2 Box Jumps [30"/24"]

10 Pushups

1 Box Jump [30"/24"]


Saturday, August 11th

Gym closed - ECC Camping Trip


Sunday, August 12th

Gym closed - ECC Camping Trip

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