Thursday, July 12th - Sunday, July 15th

Thursday, July 12th

3 attempts to establish a 3 Rep Max of Back Squats

Athletes will warm up until they are at approximately 90% - 95% of their previously established 3 rep max.  All three attempts at a max effort must be declared.  Rest as needed between work sets.

THURSDAY ENDURANCE @ ECC - Pick One: 15, 20 or 30 Mins - 2 Mins on/1 Min off


Friday, July 13th

3 Rounds for Time

2 Overhead Squats @ 75% of Bodyweight

5 Box Jumps [30"/24"]

7 Dead Hang Pullups


Saturday, July 14th

2 Rounds for Time/Reps

800 meter run

Jerk [Push, Power or Split] until failure [@ 70% of one rep max]

Athletes will track both their run times and reps.  We are looking for the ability to maintain consistent effort at high speeds and power outputs.  This means your run and reps should not deviate terribly from one round to the next.  There is no rest between rounds. 


Sunday, July 15th

Amnesty - Pick a workout you missed from the previous week [no repeats]

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