Thursday, June 14th - Saturday, June 16th

Thursday, June 14th

4 Rounds for Time

15 Floor Presses @ 50% Bodyweight

10 Lateral Bar Jumps

5 Power Cleans @ 50% Bodyweight

6:00 am Endurance @ Eli Whitney Museum

5, 6 or 8 x Prospect Hill. (Not all the way to the light, just to the top of the hill)

We will jog down on the odd repeats and sprint down on the even repeats

Rest is ½ on the odd repeats and 1:1 on the even repeats

Compare the too much $ excuse vs reality

Friday, June 15th

2x7 Back Squat @ 80%

6x2 Deadlift @85%

Rest as needed between work sets.


Saturday, June 16th


5 Rounds for Time

400 meter run

15 Overhead Squats [95#/65#]

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