Monday, June 11th - Wednesday, June 13th
Monday, June 11th
5x5 Front Squat @ 85%
Superset with 20 Double Unders
No rest as you move from Front Squat to Double Unders. Rest as needed between work sets.
Tuesday, June 12th
Reminder: First class is 6:00am on Tuesday's
3! in minutes [Alternating between movements]
Max Rep Burpees
Max Rep Shoulder to Overhead @ 50% Bodyweight
Workout progresses as follows; 3 minutes of Burpees, 3 minutes of S2OH, 2 minutes of Burpees, 2 minutes of S2OH, 1 minute of Burpees, 1 minute of S2OH. This is done in a continuous manner.
Wednesday, June 13th
1 Mile Time Trial