Wednesday Dec 26th - Sunday Dec 30th
15 Minutes of Olympic Skill Work (Snatch or Clean & Jerk)
WOD: 5 Min AMRAP Ascending Set
3 - KBS 55/35#
3- Pull Ups
6 - KBS
6 - Pull Ups
9- KBS
9 - Pull Ups... Until time is called
Athlete will work through the above couplet starting with 3 repetitions and increase by 3 each round until 5 minutes of work is completed.
Sellout: 3 X 12 Reverse Hypers
WOD: 2 Rounds for Time (RFT)
800 Meter Run
50 Pushups
2 Rope Climbs (Wear long pants and/or socks)
Endurance - 6 am at the Box (ECC Main Gym)
We will jog as a group to the old box (the start) for 1 of the following:
1x2 mile
2x2 mile
3x2 mile
Rest is 3-5 minutes between intervals
Olympic Total
Athlete will have 3 attempts at his/her declared weights at the following lifts:
Clean & Jerk
(the 3 declared attempts do not include athlete’s warmup attempts)
Run 1 mile
21 Clean & Jerk 155/115#
800 meter run
21 Clean & Jerk
1 Mile Run
Amnesty - makeup a workout you may have missed during the week or come in for some extra work.