Friday, November 29th

Friday resumes normal schedule @ 530 am, 430 pm Open Gym, 530 pm main class

Warmup: 3 Rounds of:

KB Floor Presses x 10,

Kneeling KB Round the world x 10,

KB bent over flies x 10,

Ball over Bar x 10


Strength: Tempo Bench Press 5x5 (3001)


WOD: OTM x 24 minutes:

Minute 1: Seated Plate raises x 8 + Seated Plate Tricep Ext x 8,

Minute 2: 40 second Side Plank (20 seconds per side),

Minute 3: Banded High Pulls x 8 + Banded Pull aparts x 12

Joe Kusnitz
Thursday, November 28th

Happy Thanksgiving!

ONLY 1 Class @ 9 am

Community WOD ~ Anyone is Welcome!


Friday resumes normal class schedule

Joe Kusnitz
Wednesday, November 27th

****Holiday Schedule ~ Thursday ==> ONLY 1 Class @ 9 am ==> Community Workout

Warmup: 3 rounds of:

10 calorie Ski Erg,

3 Skin the cat,

20 meter prowler pulls,

10 seated Good Mornings


Strength: Tempo Deadlift 5x5

with 1 second pause at knee


WOD: 12-9-6 of

Calorie Row,

Deadlifts 225/155#,


Joe Kusnitz