Friday, August 16th

Warmup: 3 rounds ~ not for time:

6 Front Rack Reverse Lunges,

6 Single leg Hip flexion with band,

6 banded donkey kickouts


WOD: Arsen - "Ten Fucking Years of Liberal Tears",

10x10 Air Squats ~ because sitting at a computer,

9x9 Calorie Bike ~ because bicycle,

8x8 Double Unders ~ because going down south,

7x7 GHD Situps ~ because get up early in the morning,

6x6 Box Jumps ~ because packing boxes,

5x5 Pullups ~ because next level in life,

4x4 Shoulder to Over-head ~ because "sixteen tons",

3x3 10 meter farmers carry ~ because moving stuff,

2x2 Wall Balls ~ because LOWER ARSEN,

1x1 Deadlift ~ because finish strong,

0x0 ~ REGRETS!

Joe Kusnitz