Saturday & Sunday, July 20th & 21st

Super Saturday

6 Rounds of:

40 Second max rep: DB Hang Clean & Jerks,

20 seconds rest,

40 seconds max cal ski erg,

20 seconds rest,

40 seconds max rep GHD Situps,

20 seconds rest,

40 seconds max rep 10 meter sprints,

20 seonds rest,

40 seconds max rep burpees,

20 seconds rest



Sunday Funday @ 8 am

4x8 Barbell Z Press

Bodybuilding 3 Rounds of

10 x Cossack Squats w KB

10 x Russian twist w press (15/25#)

10 x KB Shrugs

10 x Barbell Curls

10 x Skull Crushers

Sellout: 10 min of 30: on/30: rest - Bike Sprints

Open Gym @ 9 am

Joe Kusnitz