Saturday & Sunday, September 9th & 10th

Super Saturday

Warmup: 4 Rounds of:

1 dumpster dash,

2 wall walks,

30 seconds side plank (per side),

6 seated box jumps,


OTM x 12 minutes

1 Snatch


For Time:

1000 meter row then,

15 Single Arm Snatches 50/35#,

8 HSPU's,

30 Box Jump and Overs 24/20",

8 HSPU's,

60 Wall balls20/14#,

8 HSPU's,

30 Box Jump and Overs,

8 HSPU's,

15 Single Arm Snatch



Sunday Funday @ 8 am ~ Everyone is Welcome!!!!!

Joe Kusnitz