Saturday & Sunday, September 16th & 17th

Super Saturday

Warmup: Double Under Practice


WOD: On the 12 minutes for 36 minutes ~ 3 Rounds:

50 calorie Assault Bike,

40 Double Unders,

30 DB Front Squats 50/35’s,

20 DB Push Press 50/35’s,

800 meter run



Dominate the Day!

First Workout at 8 am ~ Sign up for your heat when you arrive and check in at ECF… Heats will be performed every 30 minutes!

“Sabastain Strong”

3 Rounds of:

1 Minute Max Rep Burpees

1 Minute Max Rep Hang Clean

1 Minute Max Rep Box Jumps

1 Minute Max Rep Shoulder to Over-head

1 Minute Max Rep Calorie Row

1 Minute Rest

Joe Kusnitz